
Beschilderung Harzer Klosterwanderweg

The Harzer Klosterwanderweg – from Goslar to Halberstadt

The Harz Monastery Hiking Trail stretches over a length of 116 kilometers and connects former monasteries and ecclesiastical educational institutions between Goslar and Halberstadt in the northern Harz Mountains. Along the way, you can enjoy picturesque views of the landscape, the surrounding mountains and the historic monasteries. The 7 stages of the Harzer Klosterwanderweg The…

Meine Resupply Pakete vom PCT

Arizona Trail Resupply Guide

There is actually a lot of information on this topic on other blogs and websites. However, a few things…

Florida Trail in Florida, USA

Florida – is not exactly considered the favorite destination of hikers and hikers. One probably rather thinks of Disneyland, the Florida Keys, the Everglades, Cape Canaveral or just the beaches. The more astonishing it is that Florida has to offer a “Long distance hiking trail” of almost 2100 km length, which leads from north-western Florida…

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