Es gibt wieder ein offizielles Firmwareupdate für die Outdoor Navis von Garmin. Sowohl für das neue Garmin GPSMap 62s / st als auch für Oregon und Dakota Modelle ein Update der Gerätesoftware erhältlich. Garmin Oregon 450 und Garmin Oregon 550 erhalten über den Webupdater die Versionsnummer 3.80. Garmin Oregon 300 und Oregon 400t werden mit der Version 3.90 versehen. Besitzer des Garmin Dakota 20 und Dakota 10 können sich über die Version 3.30 freuen. Das GPSMap 62s /st erhält die Version 2.50 Es wurden eine ganze Reihe von neuen Funktionen integriert die besonders Geochacher freuen dürften.
Aktuelle Firmware Garmin Oregon / Garmin Dakota / GPSMap 62
Wir freuen uns besonders darüber, das auch die „alten“ Geräteserien Oregon 300 / 400t wieder in den laufenden Updateprozess eingebunden werden. Sehr spannend ist die Frage ob Garmin die Funktionen des GPSMap 62 den wir vor kurzem im Test hatten weiter verbessern konnte. (Test Garmin GPSMap 62s / st) . Ansonsten kann man anhand der langen Listen sehen das viel Feintuning an den Geräten betrieben wurde. Sicher ist bei den Firmwareupdates nicht immer alles perfekt von den neuen Funktionen, aber es ist schon beeindruckend wie Garmin die Geräte, auch wenn sie, wie z.B. das Oregon 300 schon nicht mehr am Markt erhältlich sind ,noch weiter aufwertet.
Garmin Oregon 450 / 550 (t)
Changes from version 3.40 to version 3.80:
- Added ability to move waypoints using the map
- Added ability to set user declination direction
- Added Automatic Shaded Relief option
- Added brightness adjustments for BirdsEye imagery
- Added display color to track gpx files
- Added Geocache filtering. Select Setup > Geocaches to add custom filters
- Added import indicator for gpx files
- Added multicaching support
- Added periodic track archiving
- Added track review page improvements
- Improved keyboard responsiveness
- Improved WAAS performance
- Fix hang searching for POI
- Fixed elevation profiles to always use the most detailed DEM data loaded
- Fixed future plot with tracks that have no elevations in them
- Fixed issue with calculator % function
- Fixed issue with map POI’s showing twice for a single point
- Fixed issue with Oblique Mercator User grid
- Fixed issue with stuck route button.
- Fixed occasional shutdowns
- Fixed shutdown on About Page
- Fixed spot sounding display on certain maps
- Updated map review of tracks and routes.
- The distance shown is now the distance along the route or track.
Garmin Oregon 300 / 400 (t)
Changes made from version 3.80 to 3.90:
* Added ability to set user declination direction
* Added Automatic Shaded Relief option
* Added brightness adjustments for BirdsEye imagery
* Added Geocache filtering. Select Setup > Geocaches to add custom filters
* Added multicaching support
* Improved WAAS performance
* Fixed elevation profiles to always use the most detailed DEM data loaded
* Fixed issue with calculator % function
* Fixed issue with map POI’s showing twice for a single point
* Fixed issue with Oblique Mercator User grid
* Fixed occasional shutdowns
* Fixed spot sounding display on certain maps
Garmin Dakota 20 / 10 (t)
Changes made from version 3.10 to 3.30:
* Added ability to move waypoints using the map
* Added ability to set user declination direction
* Added Automatic Shaded Relief option
* Added brightness adjustments for BirdsEye imagery
* Added display color to track gpx files
* Added Geocache filtering. Select Setup > Geocaches to add custom filters
* Added import indicator for gpx files
* Added multicaching support
* Added periodic track archiving
* Added track review page improvements
* Improved keyboard responsiveness
* Improved WAAS performance
* Fixed elevation profiles to always use the most detailed DEM data loaded
* Fixed future plot with tracks that have no elevations in them
* Fixed issue with calculator % function
* Fixed issue with map POI’s showing twice for a single point
* Fixed issue with Oblique Mercator User grid
* Fixed issue with stuck route button.
* Fixed occasional shutdowns
* Fixed shutdown on About Page
* Fixed spot sounding display on certain maps
* Updated map review of tracks and routes. The distance shown is now the distance along the route or track.
Garmin GPSMAP 62s /Garmin GPSMAP 62st
Changes made from version 2.40 to 2.50:
* Added Automatic Shaded Relief option.
* Added display color to track gpx files
* Added import indicator for gpx files
* Added multicaching support
* Added periodic track archiving
* Added track review page improvements
* Improved map selection. Visit for more information.
* Improved keyboard responsiveness
* Fixed issues with inconsistent altimeter readings
* Fixed calendar to display all geocache finds and attempts on the correct day
* Fixed occasional shutdowns
* Fixed paging after logging a geocache
* Fixed shutdown on About Page
* Fixed spot sounding display on certain maps
* Updated map review of tracks and routes. The distance shown is now the distance along the route or track.