There is actually a lot of information on this topic on other blogs and websites. However, a few things have changed in recent years. So here is my personal Arizona Trail Resupply Guide for you.

On the American long trails, there are various ways to stock up on new provisions along the way. Without a support team to bring everything to the trail, you can’t avoid visiting a town from time to time, but a bed and a shower aren’t wrong in between anyway.

Shopping on the trail

If you have little time for planning, this is the option that takes the least amount of time. However, you should bear in mind that there is a lot to do in the city anyway – such as laundry and resting. It can also be difficult to accommodate special dietary requirements or food intolerances, as shopping options may be limited.


Mail Drops

i first came across the concept of mail drops on the PCT in 2013. The United Postal Service offers a general delivery service designed for people without a fixed address. Parcels can be sent in advance to post offices for collection within 30 days. However, this requires a longer preparation time and you may not be able to see the contents of your parcel after a few days. Post offices also have limited opening hours and are only open on Saturday mornings and closed on Sundays. So if you’re unlucky, you’ll end up standing in front of a locked door. Sending parcels also involves additional costs, which should not be underestimated.

As I only have limited time in the USA, I’ve already bought a lot of groceries in the last few months that I’m allowed to bring in. Of course, I will also go shopping in some places, either because it’s convenient or because I may not arrive until Sunday and need to shop then. I also try to eat vegan whenever possible. A mail drop makes things a lot easier.

My Arizona Trail Resupply Stops


Since I have very little time after landing and I don’t know if the mail will be faster than me, I will go shopping in Patagonia. The trail used to go straight through the town, but now it’s a detour of about 5 miles.

Colossal Cave

As there are no accommodation options in Vail, my care package goes to Colossal Cave. Unfortunately, you can’t get a shower there, but it’s just closer to the side of the trail. I will also drop it off there beforehand in the rental car.


One package is going to Oracle, where I will collect the food and probably spend the night. On the way to Oracle, you have to pass through Summerhaven, where you can also do some shopping. However, the accommodation there is too expensive for me to make a serious stop.

Address: XXX, General Delivery, Oracle, AZ 85623


I might not be here until Saturday or Sunday, which is why I’ll be shopping here.


There is no post office on site, but the store does accept packages for hikers. The shopping options are supposed to be limited and since I actually want to skip Payson, I pack food for 6 days here.

Roosevelt Lake Marina
28085 N. Hwy. 188
Roosevelt, AZ 85545


A short 2 km detour to which I will send a package.

Address: XXX, General Delivery, Pine, AZ 85544

Happy Jack

I actually wanted to send my package to Mormon Lake. But the post office no longer exists. The alternative is probably Happy Jack. While Mormon Lake is on the side of the road, Happy Jack is about a 10 km detour.

Address: XXX, General Delivery, 290 AZ-87, Happy Jack, AZ 86024


A large town and actually a good reason to stop here and go shopping, because you’re sure to find everything you need. Maybe even new shoes?

Grand Canyon South Rim

There’s no way around it and I know from experience that it’s a good place to shop. So I won’t bother with the postage.

Jacobs Lake

Jacobs Lake probably no longer accepts parcels either. Nevertheless, I take the detour in the hope of being able to buy a few little things for the last few days. A detour of about 8 km.

You can find alternatives to my resupply stops here: Gateway Communities

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