Garmin hat vor einigen Tagen neue Outdoornavis angekündigt ( Garmin Montana 650t, Garmin Montana 650 und Garmin Montana 600) da kommt schon die Befürchtung auf, dass die “alten” und bewährten Geräte: Garmin GPSMap 62s / st,  Garmin Oregon 450, Garmin Oregon 550 und Garmin Dakota 20 vielleicht nicht mehr in den Genuss neuer Firmware und erweiterter Funktionen kommen.

Zumindest an der Bereinigung bisher vorhandener Fehler und auch bei der Optimierung der Geschwindigkeit hat Garmin bei der nun offiziell verfügbaren neuen Firmware aber wohl ganze Arbeit geleistet – zumindest lässt dies die lange Liste der Änderungen vermuten. Neue Funktionen sind aber werde für Oregon noch Dakota  dabei. Auch die relativ aktuellen Geräte der Serie GPSMap 62 erhalten mit den Update nur Fehlerbereinigungen und Funktionsoptimierungen,  aber keine neuen Features.

Die Firmware für die Garmin Outdoornavis kann über den offiziellen Webupdater von Garmin bezogen werden. Ein lohnendes Update für die Navis, besonders wenn man von einem der Fehler betroffen war die nun gefixt wurden. Ob es wirklich eine optimierte Genauigkeit und eine verbesserte Geschwindigkeit durch das Update gibt konnte von uns bisher nicht getestet werden.

Firmware Update für Garmin Oregon / Garmin Dakota / GPSMap 62s

GPSMAP 62/78
Changes made from version 2.80 to 3.00:

  • Updated magnetic Earth field data
  • Improved GPS performance
  • Improved support for BirdsEye™ Satellite Imagery (each provider’s imagery can be configured independently)
  • Increased the maximum number of supported JNX files to 250 from 200
  • Fixed issues with WAAS/EGNOS
  • Fixed issue with track navigation sometimes not adding waypoints to the Active Route list
  • Fixed issue with track and route review from the map page if you came from the elevation plot
  • Fixed issue with MPC map labels disappearing
  • Fixed issue with gpi files that have alerts attached to the points
  • Fixed issue with progress bar displaying properly on power up
  • Fixed issue with track navigation not adding waypoints to the Active Route list when they are exactly equal to a track point
  • Fixed shutdown when unit had more than the maximum number of JNX files on it
  • Fixed shutdown related to topographical maps and land cover text size
  • Fixed Glide Ratio to Destination field
  • Fixed problem with profiles and the fields on the map page
  • Fixed an issue with magnetic north reference and waypoint headings
  • Fixed shutdown on the map screen when a waypoint was being moved to the same location as a geocache or other POIs
  • Fixed issue where proximity waypoint alerts could only be set in feet regardless of what was selected as a Distance/Speed unit in the setup page
  • Fixed an issue with archived tracks not displaying properly
  • Fixed an issue with having too many custom symbols on the device
  • Modified the ‘Arriving at Destination’ message banner so that it no longer appears when navigating to a geocache

Mehr Infos zu den Geräten: Testbericht Garmin GPSMAP 62 s / st

Oregon x50

Changes made from version 4.20 to 4.50:

  • Updated magnetic Earth field data
  • Improved GPS performance
  • Improved support for BirdsEye™ Satellite Imagery (each provider’s imagery can be configured independently)
  • Increased the maximum number of supported JNX files to 250 from 200
  • Fixed issues with WAAS/EGNOS
  • Fixed issue with track navigation sometimes not adding waypoints to the Active Route list
  • Fixed issue with MPC map labels disappearing
  • Fixed shutdown on the map page when you have a geocache dashboard active and return after pressing the geocache name
  • Fixed issue with moon not showing on sun and moon page
  • Fixed issue with photo viewer not displaying correctly
  • Fixed issue with progress bar displaying properly on power up
  • Fixed issue with waypoint distances showing significantly off in the waypoint manager
  • Fixed issue with 3D view
  • Fixed issue with track navigation not adding waypoints to the Active Route list when they are exactly equal to a track point
  • Fixed shutdown when more than the maximum number of JNX files were present
  • Fixed ‘Search Near’ functionality on Hunt & Fish and Sun & Moon pages
  • Fixed shutdown related to topographical maps and land cover text size
  • Fixed shutdown associated with certain custom POI files
  • Fixed Glide Ratio to Destination field
  • Fixed problem with profiles and the fields on the map page
  • Fixed an issue with magnetic north reference and waypoint headings
  • Fixed shutdown on the map screen when a waypoint was being moved to the same location as a geocache or other POIs
  • Fixed an issue with archived tracks not displaying properly
  • Fixed an issue with having too many custom symbols on the device
  • Fixed an issue with renaming a waypoint immediately after creating it
  • Modified the ‘Arriving at Destination’ message banner so that it no longer appears when navigating to a geocache

Mehr Infos zu den Geräten: Testbericht Garmin Oregon 450 t

Oregon x00

Changes made from version 4.10 to 4.20:

  • Updated magnetic Earth data
  • Improved GPS performance
  • Improved support for BirdsEye™ Satellite Imagery (each provider’s imagery can be configured independently)
  • Increased the maximum number of supported JNX files to 250 from 200
  • Fixed issues with WAAS/EGNOS
  • Fixed issue with track navigation sometimes not adding waypoints to the Active Route list
  • Fixed issue with MPC map labels disappearing
  • Fixed shutdown on the map page when you have a geocache dashboard active and return after pressing the geocache name
  • Fixed issue with photo viewer not displaying correctly
  • Fixed issue with 3D view
  • Fixed issue with track navigation not adding waypoints to the Active Route list when they are exactly equal to a track point
  • Fixed shutdown when the device had more than the maximum number of JNX files on it
  • Fixed shutdown related to topographical maps and land cover text size
  • Fixed shutdown associated with certain custom POI files
  • Fixed Glide Ratio to Destination field
  • Fixed an issue related to adding a geocache as a point in a route
  • Fixed an issue with magnetic north reference and waypoint headings
  • Modified the ‘Arriving at Destination’ message banner so that it no longer appears when navigating to a geocache

Mehr Infos zu den Geräten: Testbericht Garmin Oregon 300


Changes made from version 3.80 to 4.10:

  • Updated magnetic Earth field data
  • Improved GPS performance
  • Improved support for BirdsEye™ Satellite Imagery (each provider’s imagery can be configured independently)
  • Increased the maximum number of supported JNX files to 250 from 200
  • Fixed issues with WAAS/EGNOS
  • Fixed issue with track navigation sometimes not adding waypoints to the Active Route list
  • Fixed issue with MPC map labels disappearing
  • Fixed a hang that occurred when a unit had 1000 auto-named waypoints
  • Fixed issue with track navigation not adding waypoints to the Active Route list when they are exactly equal to a track point
  • Fixed shutdown when unit had more than the maximum number of JNX files on it
  • Fixed shutdown related to topographical maps and land cover text size
  • Fixed shutdown associated with certain custom POI files
  • Fixed Glide Ratio to Destination field
  • Fixed issue with profiles and the fields on the map page
  • Fixed an issue with magnetic north reference and waypoint headings
  • Fixed shutdown on the map screen when a waypoint was being moved to the same location as a geocache or other POIs
  • Fixed an issue with archived tracks not displaying properly
  • Fixed an issue with having too many custom symbols on the device
  • Fixed an issue where the second page of custom symbols could not be viewed
  • Fixed an issue with renaming a waypoint immediately after creating it
  • Modified the ‘Arriving at Destination’ message banner so that it no longer appears when navigating to a geocache

Mehr Infos zu den Geräten: Testbericht Garmin Dakota 20

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