Day 6: After a very cold night, I set off at 6 o’clock in the morning. My fingers still numb from taking down the tent and wrapped in my thickest jacket, I followed the path up the mountain. It was nice that water was always readily available for most of the day. This meant I didn’t have to carry so much and the low temperatures meant I was able to make really good progress today.

I arrived at Kentucky Camp after 20 km at around 12 noon. There I was able to recharge my batteries a little, use the toilet on site and get some new water! Unfortunately, I didn’t take any photos from there, because it’s actually a pretty nice place in the middle of nowhere.

Unfortunately, my luck with the water didn’t last the whole day. I had to share the last water point of the day with cows…

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Day 7: I tried to get as close as possible to Colossal Cave, where my next mail drop was waiting for me. Other than that, I noticed that I didn’t take any notes for this day. All I can remember is that the scenery between the tunnel with the recorded snake and Colossal Cave was beautiful.

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Day 8: The next day I got up later than usual as Colossal Cave Mountain Park doesn’t open until 9am. I only had 6 km ahead of me, which, by the way, were beautiful.
I can only advise anyone who is in Arizona to stop by this park, and not even because of the cave, but because of the beautiful landscape around it and the giant pretzel that you can buy there.

I was there at 8 a.m. and was delighted that the toilets were already open and I could charge my batteries. It was a bit silly to buy a giant pretzel when my rucksack was now full of food again, but what the heck.
Gradually, more and more hikers arrived.

After that, it was a very long walk through the desert, at least 15 km, before we reached the uphill section. We actually wanted to get to Manning Camp and then spend the night there, but the heat and the incline meant that this didn’t work out. We decided to stay at the Grass Shack Campground , which is beautiful by the way.
If I had known this beforehand, I would have planned a rest day here. There was even a small waterfall.


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Day 9: From the Grass Shack Campground, we headed straight back up the switchbacks at 7am. Due to the mild temperatures, the climb was much less difficult than the day before and the scenery in the spruce forest was simply beautiful. Manning Camp itself is the larger campsite of the two. There is even a proper ranger station there and the site is also much larger. Probably due to the altitude, however, it is also much colder than the Grass Shack Campground where we had been.
Incidentally, we didn’t need a reservation – various rangers simply didn’t check us.

From Manning Camp, I went up Spot Rock, which is beautiful and definitely worth the detour. After that we went up Mica Mountain and then, interrupted only by the occasional snowfield, headed back towards the desert. The landscape was a little hilly and green, but dry.
After just under 32 kilometers, I declared the day over and pitched my tent in a cow pasture!


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