Today our hiking group split up. Due to the bad weather and the ongoing thunderstorm warning, I wanted to get over the 2500 m high pass from France to Italy, which was still over 5 km away, as quickly as possible without missing a single meter of the trail. My parents, on the other hand, preferred to sleep a little longer and take the bus to the ascent.

So my day started at 5 o’clock in the morning. I packed everything up in the light rain and got ready to leave. Just a short time later, I was walking along the road out of Les Chapieux towards the Refuge des Mottets with my headlamp. Fortunately, it slowly brightened up as the path branched off the road and led me through the mud over many cow pastures in the now heavy rain. It would actually have been quite nice if only the weather had been better – by now the rain was lashing against my hood.

When I arrived at the Refuge des Mottets, I joined a group of hikers who didn’t really know what to do next. What’s more, none of them could tell me whether my parents’ bus had already arrived.

However, I got talking to Maciek there and we decided to attempt the ascent despite the weather. We really stepped on the gas to at least reach the Rifugio Elisabetta before a possible storm. On the way up, we had to cross several mountain streams, which had become so wide that it was almost impossible to reach the other side with dry feet. You could also hear a lot of thunder about 200 m below the summit, but that was all we heard of the storm.

Once at the top, the joy of having reached Italy didn’t last long. The wind blew icy and mercilessly into our faces. We decided to go to the Rifugio Elisabetta to warm up with a hot cup of tea and spent an hour there before continuing. By now, so many people had arrived that it wasn’t easy to make our way outside.

Fortunately, the rain and wind had subsided. At a crossroads, we briefly considered whether we should take a lower route, but eventually decided on the more strenuous high route.

The path was easy to follow and we soon reached the deserted après-ski area before Courmayeur. From there, a slippery, muddy descent led downhill. It was hell. It was no longer even a question of preventing our boots from slipping in the deep mud, but only of controlling our direction.

Exhausted but happy, we finally reached the town. The rain had stopped and there was no sign of the stormy weather.

We shared a room for 150 euros in the same hotel as my parents.

Tour du Mont-Blanc – Etappe 3 – Les Chapieux nach Courmayeur
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