The Fairy Trail is a 2.5-kilometre hiking trail with a total of 14 stations where natural wonders, fairy tale quotes and small tasks await you. These stations are keys to the hidden secrets of the trail. Let yourself be enchanted and discover the mystical power of the Hainich Forest – protected and accompanied by the fairy godmother Frau Holle, who once watched over the forests as a fairy queen.
Practical information

Nature and fairy tales – a journey back to your own childhood

The Hainich Forest evokes memories of carefree days in nature, fairy tales and mysterious encounters. This special trail leads right into the heart of this dream world. Fairy tales originate from a time when man was one with nature and honored its mysterious power. On the Fairy Trail, you can rediscover this feeling – a journey to yourself and your own inner strength.
Stations full of secrets and adventure

Details of the hike

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