Today I’m taking you on a special tour through the northern Harz foreland – more precisely, to the diverse area around Halberstadt. This hike combines nature, history and magnificent views. Our route takes us over the Spiegelberge and Thekenberge mountains to the striking Klusfelsen rocks. Along the way, one highlight follows the next – and with the fantastic weather, I could hardly stop raving about it. I didn’t plan the route myself this time, but took it from the official website of the town of Halberstadt – a real recommendation if you’re from the region. You can find several hiking tours there.

GPS data of the circular hike around the Halberstadt mountains

Halberstadt Berge
More Details

Start: Mirror mountains & the hunting lodge

We start at the Spiegelberge, not far from Halberstadt Zoo, where you can park for free. From there, we set off directly into a scenic area. One of the first highlights is the baroque hunting lodge. From its terrace, you have a fantastic view over Halberstadt – there is even a huge wine barrel in the cellar.

Right next door is the Belvedere – originally intended as a burial place for Ernst Ludwig Christoph Spiegel. However, the aristocratic namesake of the Spiegelberge changed his mind shortly before his death and was ultimately buried in the mausoleum (which we unfortunately walked past).

Jagschloss Spiegelsberge
The hunting lodge with the giant wine barrel in the cellar

Historical flair: Hermitage & Bismarck Tower

A little later, we reach the Hermitage, probably built around 1772. If you’re wondering what it is, it’s a kind of hermitage, a place of retreat and quiet, philosophical conversations – a popular concept in landscaped gardens at the time.

Shortly afterwards, we spot the Bismarck Tower in the distance. If you leave a €20 deposit at the Tiergarten ticket office in advance, you can even get the key and climb the tower! The nearby Blankenburger Kopf – the highest point of the Spiegelberge – is also just a few meters away. However, we personally liked the view from the hunting lodge better.

Between history & nature: Thekenberge & Medingschanze

The path leads us further into the Thekenberge – and this is where things get really historical. in 1916, the town of Halberstadt built a so-called “Schauschützengraben” here. The aim was to give the population an idea of what it was like to fight in the First World War. At the time, admission served a good purpose: it supported war widows and veterans. Today, admission is free.

From there, you continue to the Glass Monk, from where you can enjoy an incredible view. But you have to earn it first – the steps up there were probably the most strenuous meters of the entire tour.

From here, the scenery becomes really beautiful, but also adventurous in places: some of the paths marked on the map simply no longer exist or are completely overgrown. If you take on this section, you should be prepared to make your way through the undergrowth on the way to Eulenburg Castle. It’s definitely not suitable for baby carriages – but in my defense: I didn’t plan the route myself this time. We even tried to deviate from the original route to find a slightly better route to the Großer Thekenberg.

My highlight: The Great Thekenberg

The Großer Thekenberg was the highlight of the tour for me personally. This huge rock with its special flair reminded me of landscapes that I otherwise only know from the Lüneburg Heath. I hadn’t expected this at all – a real surprise! I’m happy to forgive the GPX track for the fact that I had to go through the undergrowth again afterwards.

Großer Thekenberg

Finale: The mystical Klusfelsen rocks

At the end of our tour, we reach the Klusfelsen – an impressive sandstone formation with ancient caves that were probably used in pre-Christian times. As it was already quite late, I unfortunately didn’t get to explore properly. But what I did see was very impressive. I definitely want to go back there again and see everything at my leisure.

All pictures from the hike around the Halberstadt mountains

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