After I had almost circumnavigated the Oderteich last week to get to stamp point 217 Sonnenkappe, we were even closer this weekend and even walked along the dam wall.

#HWN2024 – Wanderung zwischen Sankt Andreasberg & Braunlage
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Stamps on the hike:

  • 12 – Achtermannshöhe
  • 75 – Hahnenkleeklippen
  • 148 – Nature myth trail
  • 123 – Rinderstall restaurant
  • 154 – Dreibrodensteine
  • 155 – Rehberger Grabenhaus

Directions for the hike between Sankt Andreasberg & Braunlage

We found a parking lot very close to the Oderteich pond right by the roadside. From there, we headed uphill to Achtermannshöhe, where stamp point no. 12 was waiting for us. The path to Achtermannshöhe was not so spectacular, but the descent towards Königskrug was all the wilder and more beautiful. I always love it when you’re not on the wide forest road highway, of which there are unfortunately many in the Harz Mountains.

The path led us through Königskrug to the Hahnenkleeklippe. Unfortunately, there was only an inconspicuous hut along the way and I didn’t see anything of the cliffs. Now we continued for quite a while until we crossed the southern bypass of the Harzer Hexenstieg. To the left was the Silberteich pond and the Naturmythenpfad stamping station. This was our first port of call and there was a lot going on here. Many other hikers were enjoying the beautiful weather by the lake. The stamping point itself is not directly on the lake, but a little way above it.

Now it was time for us to return to the crossroads and continue along the Harzer Hexenstieg in the other direction to collect the stamp at 123 Gaststätte Rinderstall. One of the few restaurants in the Harz that I have seen open. I often get the impression that they have strange opening hours. Something like Mon. – Fri. from 8 am – 5 pm and then, when most hikers are out and about, the restaurant is closed at the weekend.

For us, however, it was a nice but steep climb up without a cold beer until we were on the mountain meadows above Sankt Andreasberg heading towards the Dreibrodensteine. After crossing the road, the path led downhill to the stamping point, next to which was a large boulder.

Now it was back uphill and the same way back to the Rehberger Grabenhaus, which was closed at the time. Fortunately, the stamps are in front of and not in the restaurants, otherwise this would not work at all.

From there, however, we had to walk back 800 meters and this time take the path uphill towards Sonnenberg and Oderteich. The last 5 km were stemless, but beautiful to walk on small trails through the undergrowth and later along the Harz moat covered with granite slabs. Until we arrived at the dam wall of the Oderteich. From there, unfortunately, we had to walk along the road for about 800 meters before arriving back at our parking space.

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