Every year, we try to go on a short bike tour with the whole family. Just to do something together, as we are now spread out in different corners of Germany. Last year, we cycled part of the Elbe cycle path shortly after I came back from the Arizona Trail. The year before that, we had attempted the Hansegravel and failed miserably in the adverse weather conditions at Easter.

This year, I planned a tour and tried to connect the official cycle trails of the Müritz National Park: the blue, brown, red, yellow and orange trails. You can find the official routes here.

This resulted in a 126 km long bike tour, which we cycled from campsite to campsite over 3 days. Yes, I only sent us completely into the undergrowth twice with the planning, but of course I have revised these sections in the track for you.

We had a lot of fun and are already looking forward to next year. I’d like to give you 2 pieces of advice along the way: Ride your bike beforehand, then your butt won’t hurt so much. And take something against the mosquitoes with you, they just snack on you up here.

Mit dem Rad durch den Müritz Nationalpark
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