Mountain hiking with a sea view – no other national park offers hikers such a comprehensive all-round view of the surrounding sea as Acadia National Park in the northeastern USA. But it’s not just the scenic beauty of the park, located in Maine, that’s unusual; its creation is as unique as the park itself.

Many wealthy people, such as John D. Rockefeller Jr. who preferred a simpler life at least some of the time, so-called Rusticators, bought the land and built their vacation residences there. They had the certainly justified fear that the beautiful landscape of the island region could be destroyed. Therefore they founded a trust, to which they transferred their land rights by donation. Acadia National Park is thus the only endowed national park in the United States.

Established in 1916, Acadia National Park started with a size of 6,000 acres and now covers an area of 40,000 acres. Nearly half of the main island, Mt. Desert Island (69,000 acres), is protected. However, much of the island is still privately owned today.

The summer residences of yesteryear, by the way, are nowadays looked for in vain. Almost all of them fell victim to a devastating fire in 1947. Just like the prevailing vegetation at that time. However, this is a change that can also be described as positive.

Before the fire, the area was covered with almost only one type of tree, which was green all year round and prevented other trees from growing. Since most of these trees were destroyed in the fire, new life was able to grow in Acadia National Park. That’s why you can now enjoy the picturesque Indian Summer there with the beautiful colors of the different trees.

Acadia Nationalpark
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